
The Gompute logo.

First founded in 2002, Gompute is a leading simulation and high-performance computing (HPC) solution provider. Its main office is in Gothenburg, Sweden, with local offices in Durham, NC, USA; Lugo, Spain; and Stuttgart, Germany. Gompute’s team includes computer-aided engineering (CAE) experts, engineers, and computer scientists who provide customers around the world with the latest HPC technology. Gompute's partnership with COMSOL allows license holders* to collaborate with Gompute to find the optimal hardware configuration for the parallel processing and cluster computing of COMSOL Multiphysics models and simulation applications.

To run COMSOL Multiphysics® on Gompute’s simulation platforms, you must own a floating network license (FNL). To run COMSOL Server™ on Gompute’s simulation platforms, you must own a COMSOL Server™ license (CSL).

