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COMSOL Version 6.3
3D Litz Wire SimulationA 3D litz wire simulation, used to investigate twisting schemes and validate effective loss models.
Electromechanical Modeling for Shells and MembranesThe Electromechanics, Boundary coupling used in a microphone model for a simplified model setup when coupling the Electrostatics and Membrane interfaces. |
Electrostatic Force CalculationsA gyroscope using the mixed finite element formulation for more accurate electrostatic force calculations.
GPU Acceleration for Transient Acoustics SimulationsGPU acceleration provides up to 25x faster transient acoustic simulations — used here to analyze the acoustics of an open-plan office space. |
High Mach Number FlowA high Mach number flow simulation of a supersonic ejector.
Java API and ChatbotThe Chatbot window used together with the Java Shell window to add annotations in a helix pattern. |
Precipitation and Crystallization with Population BalanceA simulation of the precipitation of barium sulfate, accounting for particle nucleation, growth, and fluid flow. |
Pressure-Dependent PlasticityPressure-dependent plasticity used to find the equivalent plastic strain of a battery. |
Reynolds Stress Turbulence ModelsSecondary flow in a semicircular duct, calculated with the SSG–LRR Reynolds stress model.
Streamer in Transformer OilA streamer discharge propagating in transformer oil.
Uncertainty Quantification of Microwave ComponentsAn uncertainty quantification analysis performed on a microstrip patch antenna. |