Acoustic Streaming for Pressure Acoustics |
Frequency-Stationary |
Frequency-Transient |
Acoustic Streaming for Thermoviscous Acoustics |
Frequency-Stationary |
Frequency-Transient |
Acoustic–Piezoelectric Interaction, Frequency Domain |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Acoustic–Piezoelectric Interaction, Transient |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Modal Reduced Order Model |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent, Modal |
Acoustic–Poroelastic Waves Interaction |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Acoustic–Shell Interaction, Frequency Domain1 |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Acoustic–Shell Interaction, Transient1 |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Modal Reduced Order Model |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent, Modal |
Acoustic–Solid Interaction, Frequency Domain |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Mode Analysis in 2D |
Acoustic–Solid Interaction, Time Explicit |
Time Dependent |
Acoustic–Solid Interaction, Transient |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Modal Reduced Order Model |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent, Modal |
Acoustic–Solid–Poroelastic Waves Interaction |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Compressible Potential Flow |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Linearized Euler, Boundary Mode |
Mode Analysis |
Linearized Euler, Frequency Domain |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Mode Analysis in 2D |
Linearized Euler, Transient |
Time Dependent |
Linearized Navier–Stokes, Boundary Mode |
Mode Analysis |
Linearized Navier–Stokes, Frequency Domain |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Mode Analysis in 2D |
Linearized Navier–Stokes, Transient |
Time Dependent |
Linearized Potential Flow, Boundary Mode |
Mode Analysis |
Linearized Potential Flow, Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain |
Mode Analysis in 1D axisymmetry and 2D |
Linearized Potential Flow, Transient |
Frequency Domain |
Mode Analysis in 1D axisymmetric and 2D |
Time Dependent |
Elastic Waves, Time Explicit |
Time Dependent |
Piezoelectric Waves, Time Explicit |
Time Dependent |
Poroelastic Waves |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Solid Mechanics (Elastic Waves) |
Boundary Mode Analysis (with the Port condition in 3D) |
Eigenfrequency |
Eigenfrequency, Prestressed |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Frequency Domain, Prestressed |
Mode Analysis in 2D |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent, Modal |
Acoustic Diffusion Equation |
Eigenvalue |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Ray Acoustics |
Ray Tracing |
Time Dependent |
Pipe Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Pipe Acoustics, Transient |
Time Dependent |
Pressure Acoustics, Asymptotic Scattering |
Frequency Domain |
Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Elements |
Frequency Domain |
Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Mode |
Mode Analysis |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Boundary Mode Analysis (for Ports) |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Mode Analysis in 1D axisymmetry and 2D |
Pressure Acoustics, Kirchhoff-Helmholtz |
Frequency Domain |
Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit |
Time Dependent |
Pressure Acoustics, Transient |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Modal Reduced Order Model |
Mode Analysis in 1D axisymmetric and 2D |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent, Modal |
Acoustic–Thermoviscous Acoustic Interaction, Frequency Domain |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Shell Interaction, Frequency Domain1 |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Solid Interaction, Frequency Domain |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermoelasticity Interaction, Frequency Domain1 |
Frequency Domain Perturbation |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermoelasticity Interaction, Transient1 |
Time Dependent |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Boundary Mode |
Mode Analysis |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Eigenfrequency |
Frequency Domain |
Frequency Domain, Modal |
Mode Analysis in 1D axisymmetry and 2D |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, SLNS Approximation |
Frequency Domain |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Transient |
Time Dependent |
Convected Wave Equation, Time Explicit |
Time Dependent |
Nonlinear Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit |
Time Dependent |
Compressible Potential Flow |
Interior Wall (Slip Velocity) |
Mass Flow |
Mean Flow Velocity Potential |
Normal Flow |
Slip Velocity |
Symmetry |
Periodic Condition |
Antiperiodicity |
Continuity |
Linearized Euler |
Asymptotic Far-Field Radiation |
Impedance (Ingard-Myers) |
Interior Impedance |
Interior Wall |
Moving Wall |
Prescribed Acoustic Fields |
Pressure (Isentropic) |
Rigid Wall |
Sound Soft Boundary (Isentropic) |
Specific Acoustic Impedance (Isentropic) |
Symmetry |
Periodic Condition |
Antiperiodicity |
Continuity |
Cyclic Symmetry |
Floquet Periodicity |
User Defined |
Linearized Navier-Stokes |
Interior Impedance |
Interior Wall |
Pressure (Adiabatic) |
Symmetry |
Wall |
Mechanical |
Boundary Stress |
Impedance |
No Slip |
No Stress |
Prescribed Pressure |
Prescribed Velocity |
Slip (ideal) |
Periodic Condition |
Antiperiodicity |
Continuity |
Cyclic Symmetry |
Floquet Periodicity |
User Defined |
Thermal |
Adiabatic |
Heat Flux |
Isothermal |
Prescribed Temperature |
Linearized Potential Flow |
Impedance |
Incident Velocity Potential |
Interior Impedance |
Interior Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Normal Mass Flow |
Normal Velocity |
Plane Wave Radiation |
Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Sound Soft Boundary |
Velocity Potential |
Vortex Sheet |
Periodic Condition |
Antiperiodicity |
Continuity |
Port |
Annular |
Circular |
User Defined |
Elastic Waves, Time Explicit |
Antisymmetry |
Boundary Load |
Compute Displacement |
Fixed |
Fracture |
Free |
General Flux/Source |
General Interior Flux |
Low-Reflecting Boundary |
Material Discontinuity |
Material Discontinuity (Isotropic) |
Prescribed Velocity |
Roller |
Symmetry |
Poroelastic Waves |
Added Mass |
Boundary Load |
Fixed Constraint |
Free |
Free, Sound Soft |
Impervious Layer |
Impervious Mass Layer |
Interior Impervious Layer |
Periodic Condition |
Prescribed Acceleration |
Prescribed Displacement |
Prescribed Velocity |
Pressure |
Rigid Connector |
Roller |
Spring Foundation |
Symmetry |
Thin Elastic Layer |
Solid Mechanics |
Added Mass |
Antisymmetry |
Boundary Load |
Fixed Constraint |
Free |
Low-Reflecting Boundary |
Periodic Condition |
Port |
Prescribed Acceleration |
Prescribed Displacement |
Prescribed Velocity |
Roller |
Spring Foundation |
Symmetry |
Thin Layer |
Acoustic Diffusion Equation |
Inward Energy Flux |
Mapped Room Coupling |
Room Coupling |
Wall |
Ray Acoustics |
Material Discontinuity |
Ray Detector |
Receiver |
Release from Boundary |
Release from Pressure Field |
Wall |
Accumulator |
Diffuse Scattering |
Disappear |
Freeze |
General Reflection |
Isotropic Scattering |
Mixed Diffuse and Specular Reflection |
Pass Through |
Sound Pressure Level Calculation |
Specular Reflection |
Stick |
Boundary Impedance Models (Impedance), Frequency Domain |
Absorption Coefficient |
User defined |
Characteristic Specific Impedance |
Cylindrical wave |
Plane wave |
Spherical wave |
Physiological |
Human ear drum |
Human ear without pinna |
Human ear, full |
Human skin |
Outward human ear radiation |
Porous Layer |
Select the porous layer properties from the list of Poroacoustic models |
Options for all permutations of an RCL circuit |
Waveguide end impedance |
Flanged pipe, circular |
Flanged pipe, rectangular |
Unflanged pipe, circular |
Unflanged pipe, circular (low ka limit) |
Boundary Impedance Models (Impedance), Time Explicit |
General local reacting (rational approximation) |
Serial coupling RCL |
User defined (resistive) |
Boundary Impedance Models (Impedance), Transient |
General local reacting (rational approximation) |
Serial coupling RCL |
User defined (resistive) |
Pressure Acoustics (FEM Based) |
Cylindrical Wave Radiation |
Exterior Field Calculation |
Interior Normal Acceleration |
Interior Normal Displacement |
Interior Normal Velocity |
Interior Perforated Plate |
Interior Sound Hard Boundary |
Matched Boundary |
Normal Acceleration |
Normal Displacement |
Normal Velocity |
Perfectly Matched Boundary |
Plane Wave Radiation |
Pressure |
Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Sound Soft Boundary |
Spherical Wave Radiation |
Symmetry |
Thermoviscous Boundary Layer Impedance |
Transfer Matrix Coupling |
Interior Impedance |
Membrane |
Perforated Plate |
Porous Mass Layer |
Thin Plate |
User Defined |
Interior Lumped Speaker Boundary |
Connection to Circuit |
Lumped Port |
Connection to Circuit, Two-port, or Waveguide |
Lumped Speaker Boundary |
Connection to Circuit |
Periodic Condition |
Antiperiodicity |
Continuity |
Cyclic Symmetry |
Floquet Periodicity |
User Defined |
Port |
Annular |
Circular |
Numeric |
Rectangular |
Slit |
User Defined |
User Defined (nondispersive) |
Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Elements |
Excluded Boundary |
Impedance |
Interior Normal Acceleration |
Interior Normal Displacement |
Interior Normal Velocity |
Interior Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Normal Acceleration |
Normal Displacement |
Normal Velocity |
Pressure |
Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Sound Soft Boundary |
Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit |
Exterior Field Calculation |
General Flux/Source |
General Interior Flux |
Impedance |
Interior Impedance |
Interior Normal Velocity |
Interior Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Material Discontinuity |
Normal Velocity |
Pressure |
Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Sound Soft Boundary |
Symmetry |
Material Discontinuity |
Receiver |
Wall |
Diffuse Scattering |
Mixed Diffuse and Specular Reflections |
Specular Reflection |
Interior Impedance |
Interior Temperature Variation |
Interior Velocity |
Interior Wall |
Pressure (Adiabatic) |
Slip Wall |
Surface Tension |
Symmetry Condition |
Wall |
Interior Lumped Speaker Boundary |
Connection to Circuit |
Lumped Port |
Connection to Circuit, Two-port, or Waveguide |
Lumped Speaker Boundary |
Connection to Circuit |
Mechanical Conditions |
Boundary Stress |
Impedance |
No Slip |
No Stress |
Slip (ideal) |
Velocity |
Periodic Condition |
Antiperiodicity |
Continuity |
Cyclic Symmetry |
Floquet Periodicity |
User Defined |
Port |
Circular (0,0)-mode |
Numeric (0,0)-mode |
Plane Wave |
Slit (0,0)-mode |
User Defined |
Thermal Conditions |
Adiabatic |
Heat Flux |
Isothermal |
Temperature Variation |
Convected Wave Equation, Time Explicit |
Acoustic Impedance |
General Flux/Source |
General Interior Flux |
Interior Normal Velocity |
Interior Wall |
Normal Velocity |
Pressure |
Sound Hard Wall |
Symmetry |
Nonlinear Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit |
Compute Maximum and Minimum Pressure |
General Flux/Source |
General Interior Flux |
Impedance |
Interior Normal Velocity |
Interior Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Material Discontinuity |
Normal Velocity |
Pressure |
Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) |
Sound Soft Boundary |
Symmetry |
Mass Flow Circular Source |
Mass Flow Edge Source |
Mass Flow Line Source on Axis |
Mass Flow Point Source |
Edges |
Fluid Properties |
Initial Values |
Pipe Properties |
Volume Force |
Points |
Closed |
Pressure |
Velocity |
End Impedance |
Flanged Pipe, Circular |
Flanged Pipe, Rectangular |
Infinite Pipe |
Infinite Pipe (Low Mach Number Limit) |
Unflanged Pipe, Circular |
Unflanged Pipe, Circular (Low ka Limit) |
User Defined |
Pressure |
Dipole Point Source |
Power |
User Defined |
Line Source |
Flow |
Gaussian Pulse |
Intensity |
Power |
Monopole Point Source |
Flow |
Gaussian Pulse |
Intensity |
Power |
Quadrupole Point Source |
Power (lateral) |
Power (longitudinal) |
User Defined |
Added Mass |
Edge and Point Load |
Fixed Constraint |
Prescribed Displacement |
Spring Foundation |
Liquids and Gases |
Piezoelectric |
Thermodynamics: Predefined System |
Dry air |
Moist air |
Water-steam |
Acoustic BEM-FEM Boundary |
For Coupling: Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Elements to Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Impedance (subfeature) |
Membrane |
Perforated Plate |
Porous Mass Layer |
Thin Plate |
User Defined |
Acoustic Streaming Boundary Coupling |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain to a Fluid Flow Interface |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Frequency Domain to a Fluid Flow Interface |
Acoustic–Porous Boundary |
For Coupling: Pressure Acoustics (FEM/BEM) to Poroelastic Waves |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Thermoviscous Boundary Layer Impedance (subfeature) |
Pressure Acoustics (FEM/BEM) to Layered Shell1 |
Pressure Acoustics (FEM/BEM) to Membrane (interior and exterior)1 |
Pressure Acoustics (FEM/BEM) to Multibody Dynamics1 |
Pressure Acoustics (FEM/BEM) to Shell (interior and exterior)1 |
Pressure Acoustics (FEM/BEM) to Solid Mechanics |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary, Time Explicit |
Nonlinear Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit to Elastic Waves, Time Explicit |
Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit to Elastic Waves, Time Explicit |
Acoustic–Thermoviscous Acoustic Boundary |
For Coupling: Pressure Acoustics (FEM/BEM) to Thermoviscous Acoustics |
Aeroacoustic–Structure Boundary |
Linearized Navier-Stokes to Layered Shell1 |
Linearized Navier-Stokes to Membrane (interior and exterior)1 |
Linearized Navier-Stokes to Multibody Dynamics1 |
Linearized Navier-Stokes to Shell (interior and exterior)1 |
Linearized Navier-Stokes to Solid Mechanics |
Convected Acoustic–Structure Boundary, Time Explicit |
For Coupling: Convected Wave Equation, Time Explicit to Elastic Waves, Time Explicit |
Pair Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
For Coupling: Pressure Acoustics to Solid Mechanics (for an assembly geometry) |
Pair Acoustic–Structure Boundary, Time Explicit |
Nonlinear Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit to Elastic Waves, Time Explicit on a geometric assembly |
Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit to Elastic Waves, Time Explicit on a geometric assembly |
Pair Acoustic–Thermoviscous Acoustic Boundary |
For Coupling: Pressure Acoustics to Thermoviscous Acoustics (for an assembly geometry) |
Pair Convected Acoustic–Structure Boundary, Time Explicit |
For Coupling: Convected Wave Equation, Time Explicit to Elastic Waves, Time Explicit on a geometric assembly |
Pair Thermoviscous Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
For Coupling: Thermoviscous Acoustics to Solid Mechanics (for an assembly geometry) |
Porous–Structure Boundary |
Poroelastic Material to Layered Shell1 |
Poroelastic Material to Membrane (interior and exterior)1 |
Poroelastic Material to Multibody Dynamics1 |
Poroelastic Material to Shell (interior and exterior)1 |
Poroelastic Material to Solid Mechanics |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Layered Shell1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Membrane (interior and exterior)1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Multibody Dynamics1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Shell (interior and exterior)1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Solid Mechanics |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermal Perturbation Boundary1 |
For Coupling: Thermoviscous Acoustics to Heat Transfer in Solids1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermoelasticity Boundary1 |
For Coupling: Thermoviscous Acoustics to Thermoelasticity1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics SLNS–Structure Boundary |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Layered Shell1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Membrane (interior and exterior)1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Multibody Dynamics1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Shell (interior and exterior)1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics to Solid Mechanics |
Acoustic–Pipe Acoustic Connection |
For Coupling: Pressure Acoustics (FEM) to Pipe Acoustics |
Acoustic Streaming Domain Coupling |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain to a Fluid Flow interface |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Frequency Domain to a Fluid Flow interface |
Aeroacoustic Flow Source Coupling |
For Coupling: Fluid Flow (LES or DES) to Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Background Fluid Flow Coupling |
Fluid Flow to Convected Wave Equation |
Fluid Flow to Linearized Euler |
Fluid Flow to Linearized Navier–Stokes |
Background Potential Flow Coupling |
For Coupling: Compressible Potential Flow to Linearized Potential Flow |
Lorentz Coupling2 |
For Coupling: Magnetic Fields to Solid Mechanics2 |
Magnetic Forces2 |
For Coupling: Solid Mechanics to Magnetic Fields, No Currents2 |
Magnetomechanical Forces2 |
For Coupling: Solid Mechanics to Magnetic Fields2 |
Nonlinear Magnetostriction2 |
Solid Mechanics to Magnetic Fields2 |
Solid Mechanics to Rotating Machinery, Magnetic2 |
Piezoelectricity |
For Coupling: Solid Mechanics to Electrostatics |
Piezoelectricity, Time Explicit |
For Coupling: Elastic Waves, Time Explicit to Electrostatics |
Piezomagnetism2 |
Solid Mechanics to Magnetic Fields2 |
Solid Mechanics to Rotating Machinery, Magnetic2 |
Acoustic Streaming for Pressure Acoustics |
Acoustic Streaming Boundary Coupling |
Acoustic Streaming Domain Coupling |
Laminar Flow |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Acoustic Streaming for Thermoviscous Acoustics |
Acoustic Streaming Boundary Coupling |
Acoustic Streaming Domain Coupling |
Laminar Flow |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Acoustic–Piezoelectric Interaction, Frequency Domain |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Piezoelectric Effect |
Electrostatics |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Solid Mechanics |
Acoustic–Piezoelectric Interaction, Transient |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Piezoelectric Effect |
Electrostatics |
Pressure Acoustics, Transient |
Solid Mechanics |
Acoustic–Poroelastic Waves Interaction |
Acoustic–Porous Boundary |
Poroelastic Waves |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Acoustic–Shell Interaction, Frequency Domain1 |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Shell |
Acoustic–Shell Interaction, Transient1 |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Pressure Acoustics, Transient |
Shell |
Acoustic–Solid Interaction, Frequency Domain |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Solid Mechanics |
Acoustic–Solid Interaction, Time Explicit |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary, Time Explicit |
Elastic Waves, Time Explicit |
Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit |
Acoustic–Solid Interaction, Transient |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Pressure Acoustics, Transient |
Solid Mechanics |
Acoustic–Solid–Poroelastic Waves Interaction |
Acoustic–Porous Boundary |
Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Porous–Structure Boundary |
Poroelastic Waves |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Solid Mechanics |
Acoustic–Thermoviscous Acoustic Interaction, Frequency Domain |
Acoustic–Thermoviscous Acoustic Boundary |
Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Thermoviscous Acoustic, Frequency Domain |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Shell Interaction, Frequency Domain1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Shell |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Solid Interaction, Frequency Domain |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Structure Boundary |
Solid Mechanics |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermoelasticity Interaction, Frequency Domain1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics–Thermoelasticity Boundary1 |
Thermoelasticity |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Frequency Domain |
Thermoviscous Acoustic–Thermoelasticity Interaction, Transient1 |
Thermoviscous Acoustics–Thermoelasticity Boundary1 |
Thermoelasticity |
Thermoviscous Acoustics, Transient |
2D Histogram |
Beam Width Calculation |
Directivity (plot) |
Directivity Index Calculation |
Intersection Point 2D (dataset) |
Intersection Point 3D (dataset) |
Octave Band (plot) |
Phase Portrait |
Poincaré Map |
Radiation Pattern (plot) |
Ray (dataset) |
Ray (plot) |
Ray Bin (dataset) |
Ray Evaluation |
Ray Trajectories |
Receiver (dataset) |
Impulse Response (plot) |
Energy Decay (plot) |
AWE Expression |
Release from Exterior Field Calculation |
Source with Directivity |
1D, 2D, 2D Axisymmetric, and 3D Formulations |
Infinite Acoustic Domain Modeling with Absorbing Layers |
Infinite Acoustic Domain Modeling with Perfectly Matched Layers |
Infinite Solid Domain Modeling with Perfectly Matched Layers |
Initial Values |
Background Acoustic Fields |
Domain Sources |
First Order Material Parameters |
Compressible Potential Flow Model |
FEM Formulation |
Linearized Euler Model |
Galerkin Least Squares (GLS) Stabilized FEM Formulation |
Linearized Navier–Stokes Model |
Galerkin Least Squares (GLS) Stabilized FEM Formulation |
Linearized Potential Flow Model |
FEM Formulation |
Initial Stress and Strain Tensors |
Anisotropic Poroelastic Material |
Biot Model (viscous losses) |
Biot–Allard Model (thermal and viscous losses) |
FEM and dG-FEM Formulations |
dG-FEM Formulation for Elastic Waves, Time Explicit |
FEM Formulation for Solid Mechanics and Poroelastic Waves |
Linear Elastic Material Model |
Isotropic |
Orthotorpic and Anisotropic |
Isotropic and Anisotropic Loss Factor |
Maximum Loss Factor |
Rayleigh Damping |
Viscous Damping |
Wave Attenuation |
Piezoelectric Waves, Time Explicit |
Charge Conservation, Piezoelectric |
Mechanical Damping |
Piezoelectric Material |
Poroelastic Material (Biot's Theory) |
Biot Model (viscous losses) |
Biot–Allard Model (thermal and viscous losses) |
Solid Mechanics |
Added Mass |
Body Load |
Fixed Constraint |
Geometric Nonlinearity |
Gravity |
Piezoelectric Material |
Piezomagnetic Material2 |
Prescribed Acceleration |
Prescribed Displacement |
Prescribed Velocity |
Rotating Frame |
Spring Foundation |
Domain Source |
Fitted Domain |
Room |
Acoustic Diffusion Model |
FEM Formulation |
Ray and Domain Properties |
Accumulator |
Auxilliary Dependent Variables |
Background Velocity |
Calculation of Ray Intensity |
Medium Properties |
Phase Calculation |
Ray Detector |
Ray Termination |
Ray Release |
Release |
Release from Boundary |
Release from Data File |
Release from Edge |
Release from Grid |
Release from Point |
Conical |
Expression |
Hemispherical |
Lambertian |
Spherical |
Anisotropic Acoustics |
Flame Model (n-tau) |
Heat Source |
Monopole and Dipole Domain Source |
Poroacoustics (for Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit) |
Aeroacoustic Flow Source |
Aeroacoustic Wave Equation |
Lighthill |
Anisotropic Poroacoustics |
Johnson-Champoux-Allard (JCA) |
Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge (JCAL) |
Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Pride-Lafarge (JCAPL) |
Background Pressure Field |
Cylindrical Wave |
Plane Wave |
Spherical Wave |
User Defined |
FEM, BEM, and dG-FEM Formulations |
BEM Formulation for Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Elements |
dG-FEM Formulation for Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit |
FEM Formulation for Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain and Pressure Acoustics, Transient |
Stabilized BEM Formulation for Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Elements |
Fluid Model |
Atmosphere Attenuation |
General Dissipation |
Ideal Gas |
Linear Elastic |
Ocean Attenuation |
Thermally Conducting |
Thermally Conducting and Viscous |
User–Defined Attenuation |
Viscous |
Kirchhoff–Helmholtz (HFBEM) Formulation |
Radiating Object |
Scattering Object |
Narrow Region Acoustics |
Circular Duct |
Equilateral Triangular Duct |
Rectangular Duct |
Slit |
User Defined |
Very Narrow Circular Duct (Isothermal) |
Wide Duct Approximation |
Poroacoustics |
Attenborough |
Biot Parameters (defined in JCA model) |
Delaney-Bazley-Miki |
Johnson-Champoux-Allard (JCA) |
Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge (JCAL) |
Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Pride-Lafarge (JCAPL) |
Limp and Rigid Porous Matrix Approximations |
Three-parameter approximation JCAL model |
Williams EDFM (equivalent density fluid model) |
Wilson |
Wood (model for a suspension) |
Zwikker-Kosten |
Heat Source |
Background Acoustic Fields |
Plane Wave |
User Defined |
Nonlinear Thermoviscous Acoustics Contributions (for Time Dependent models) |
Galerkin Least Squares (GLS) Stabilized FEM Formulation |
Thermoviscous Acoustic Model (Sequential Linearized Navier-Stokes or SLNS) |
FEM Formulation |
Thermoviscous Acoustics Model (Thermally-Conducting Viscous Fluid Model: Linearized Navier–Stokes, Continuity, and Energy Equations in Quiescent Conditions) |
FEM Formulation |
Domain Sources |
Convected Wave Equation Model (Linearized Euler Equation with Adiabatic Assumption) |
dG-FEM (Time Explicit) Formulation |
Nonlinear Pressure Acoustics, Time Explicit Model (Westervelt equivalent) |
dG-FEM (Time Explicit) Formulation |