Chemistry |
Thermodynamics coupling |
Electrophoretic Transport |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Moisture Flow |
Laminar Flow |
Stationary |
Time dependent |
Porous Media Flow1 |
Stationary1 |
Time Dependent1 |
Turbulent Flow, Algebraic yPlus |
Stationary |
Time dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-epsilon |
Stationary |
Time dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-omega2 |
Stationary2 |
Time dependent2 |
Turbulent Flow, L-VEL |
Stationary |
Time dependent |
Turbulent Flow, Low-Re k-epsilon |
Stationary |
Time dependent |
Turbulent Flow, Spalart-Allmaras2 |
Stationary2 |
Time dependent2 |
Turbulent Flow, SST |
Stationary |
Time dependent |
Moisture Transport |
Equilibrium Moisture Transport in Porous Media |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Moisture Transport in Air |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Moisture Transport in Building Materials |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Moisture Transport in Free and Porous Media |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Moisture Transport in Solids |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Nonequilibrium Moisture Transport in Porous Media |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Nernst-Planck Equations |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Nernst-Planck-Poisson Equations |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reacting Pipe Flow |
Add-on for Multiple-Species User Interface |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reaction Engineering |
Mass preserving initialization of equilibria |
Stationary Plug Flow |
Thermodynamics coupling |
Time Dependent |
Surface Reactions |
Stationary |
Transient |
Transport in Solids |
Electrode Surface Coupling |
External Flux |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Transport of Concentrated Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Transport of Concentrated Species in Porous Media |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Transport of Diluted Species |
Add-on for Multiple-Species User Interface |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Transport of Diluted Species in Fractures |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Transport of Diluted Species in Pipes |
Add-on for Multiple-Species User Interface |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Transport of Diluted Species in Porous Media |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Laminar Flow |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-epsilon |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-omega |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-epsilon |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Turbulent Flow, SST |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Laminar Flow2 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Laminar Flow, Diluted Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, Diluted Species, k-epsilon |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, Diluted Species, Spalart-Allmaras |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Turbulent Flow, k-epsilon2 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, Spalart-Allmaras2 |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Hygroscopic Porous Medium |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Moisture Transport in Air |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Moisture Transport in Building Material |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Porous Media Flow, Brinkman Equations |
Laminar Flow3 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-epsilon4 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-omega5 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-epsilon4 |
Stationary |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Turbulent Flow, SST4 |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Precipitation and Crystallization in Fluid Flow |
Size-Based Population Balance |
Laminar Flow, Concentrated Species |
Stationary |
Time dependent |
Laminar Flow, Diluted Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-epsilon, Concentrated Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-epsilon, Diluted Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-omega, Concentrated Species |
Stationary |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Turbulent Flow, k-omega, Diluted Species |
Stationary |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-epsilon, Concentrated Species |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-epsilon, Diluted Species |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Turbulent Flow, SST, Concentrated Species |
Stationary with Initialization |
Time Dependent with Initialization |
Turbulent Flow, SST, Diluted Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reacting Flow in Packed Beds, Concentrated Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reacting Flow in Packed Beds, Diluted Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reacting Flow in Packed Beds, Shrinking Core Model |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reacting Flow in Porous Catalysts, Concentrated Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reacting Flow in Porous Catalysts, Diluted Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reacting Flow in Porous Media, Concentrated Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Reacting Flow in Porous Media, Diluted Species |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Laminar Flow |
Frozen Rotor2 |
Time Dependent2 |
Turbulent Flow, k-epsilon |
Frozen Rotor2 |
Time Dependent2 |
Turbulent Flow, k-omega |
Frozen Rotor2 |
Frozen Rotor with Initialization2 |
Time Dependent2 |
Time Dependent with Initialization2 |
Turbulent Flow, Low-Re k-epsilon |
Frozen Rotor with Initialization2 |
Time Dependent with Initialization2 |
Turbulent Flow, SST |
Frozen Rotor with Initialization2 |
Time Dependent with Initialization2 |
Laminar Two-Phase Flow |
Time Dependent |
Laminar Vapor Flow |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-epsilon6 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, k-omega2 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, Low-Re k-epsilon6 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Turbulent Flow, SST6 |
Stationary |
Time Dependent |
Axial Symmetry |
Concentration |
Continuity |
Current Density |
Current Discontinuity |
Electric Insulation |
Electric Potential |
Electrode Surface Coupling |
Flux |
Flux Discontinuity |
Mass Outflow |
No Flux |
Open Boundary |
Out-of-Plane Flux |
Outflow |
Partition Condition |
Periodic Condition |
Porous Electrode Coupling |
Reacting Boundary |
Surface Equilibrium Reaction |
Surface Reactions |
Symmetry |
Thin Diffusion Barrier |
Thin Impermeable Barrier |
Volatilization |
Fracture |
Adsorption |
Inflow |
Danckwerts Inflow Condition |
Inflow with Mixture Specification |
Densities |
Mass Flow rates |
Mass Fractions |
Molar Concentrations |
Mole Fractions |
Number Densities |
Free-Porous Interface |
Inflow |
Insulation |
Liquid Water Content |
Liquid Water Flux |
Moist Surface |
Moisture Content |
Nonequilibrium Boundary |
Open boundary |
Outflow |
Periodic Condition |
Porous Interface |
Porous-Porous Interface |
Symmetry |
Thin Moisture Barrier |
Vapor Content |
Wet Surface |
Moisture Flux |
Convective Moisture Flux - concentrations difference - forced convection correlations |
Convective Moisture Flux - concentrations difference - from heat and moisture transport analogy |
Convective Moisture Flux - concentrations difference - natural convection correlations |
Convective Moisture Flux - pressures difference - user defined |
Vapor Flux |
Convective Vapor Flux - concentrations difference - forced convection correlations |
Convective Vapor Flux - concentrations difference - from heat and moisture transport analogy |
Convective Vapor Flux - concentrations difference - natural convection correlations |
Convective Vapor Flux - pressures difference - user defined |
Parameter estimation in Reaction Engineering2 |
CHEMKIN file import of thermo- transport- and kinetic data |
CHEMKIN file import |
Surface CHEMKIN file import |
Flux |
Line Mass Source |
Point Mass Source |
Thermodynamics |
Predefined System |
Species Properties Database |
User-Defined Species |
External Thermodynamic System |
Generate Chemistry |
Generate Material |
Thermodynamic System |
Generate Chemistry |
Generate Material |
Steam and Water Properties (IAPWS) |
1D, 2D, Axisymmetric, and 3D Formulations |
Convection and Diffusion |
Electrochemical Reactions |
Equilibrium Reaction |
Free Flow |
Generate Space-Dependent Model |
Infinite Domain Modeling with Infinite Elements |
Initial Values |
Isotropic Diffusion |
Mass Based Concentrations |
Migration in Electric Field |
Multiple-Species User Interface |
Reactions |
Solid, Transport of Diluted Species |
Species Source |
Wall Mass Transfer |
Effective Diffusivity Models |
Bruggeman |
Millington and Quirk |
Tortuosity |
Packed Bed, Transport of Concentrated Species |
Fluid |
Pellets |
Pellet-Fluid Interface |
Reactions |
Transport Properties |
Packed Bed, Transport of Diluted Species |
Fluid |
Pellets |
Diffusion |
Pellet-Fluid Interface |
Reactions |
Porous Catalyst, Transport of Concentrated Species |
Adsorption |
Fluid |
Porous Matrix |
Surface Reaction |
Porous Catalyst, Transport of Diluted Species |
Adsorption |
Fluid |
Porous Matrix |
Surface Reaction |
Porous Medium, Transport of Concentrated Species |
Fluid |
Porous Matrix |
Porous Medium, Transport of Diluted Species |
Adsorption |
Dispersion |
Fluid |
Porous Matrix |
Reactions, Chemical Reaction Engineering |
Automatic Kinetics Generation |
Balance Reaction |
Species, Chemical Reaction Engineering |
Automatic definition of molar mass from the chemical formula |
Unsaturated Porous Medium |
Adsorption |
Dispersion |
Gas |
Liquid |
Porous Matrix |
Fick's Law |
Knudsen Diffusion |
Maxwell-Stefan |
Mixture-Averaged |
Building Material |
Moisture Source |
Hygroscopic Porous Medium |
Porous Matrix |
Liquid Water |
Liquid Water Source |
Moist Air |
Vapor Source |
Moist Air |
Turbulent Mixing |
Hygroscopic Swelling |
Solid Mechanics |
Unsaturated Poroelasticity2 |
Solid Mechanics |