Supplement A: Equations
There are several interfaces in COMSOL Multiphysics®that are frequently used for electrovibroacoustics modeling, including theMagnetic Fields,Pressure Acoustics,Solid Mechanics, andThermoviscous Acousticsinterfaces. The governing equations and mathematical formulations for each of these interfaces are listed and described below. The formulations adopted for the electrovibroacoustics multiphysics couplings are also included.
The Magnetic Fields Equations
TheMagnetic Fieldsinterface solves Maxwell’s equations and is formulated using the magnetic vector potential, .
The equations solved in a time-dependent analysis are:,
, and
•= electric conductivity
•= free space magnetic permeability
•= magnetization vector
•= velocity of the moving coil
•= an externally generated current density
•= magnetic flux density
•= magnetic field intensity
•= electric field intensity
•= electric displacement field
The total electric current density,, includes the contribution from the induced electric field,
The time-harmonic equations solved in the frequency domain are:
, and
whereis the angular frequency.
The Pressure Acoustics Equations
For time-dependent analysis, the governing equation that solves for pressure waves in the fluids is the scalar wave equation,
•= total acoustic pressure
•= density
•= speed of sound
The monopole domain source,, and the dipole domain source,
, provide an option to add a mass source or a domain force source when applicable. They are both set to zero by default.
The time-harmonic formulation solved in the frequency domain is the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation,
where is the angular frequency. The subscriptto
refers to the fact that the density and speed of sound may be complex-valued for lossy fluid media.
The Solid Mechanics Equations
The governing equation that is solved for elastic waves in the solids is given by Newton’s second law of motion. COMSOL Multiphysics®uses the material frame formulation, i.e., a Lagrangian version of the equation. In the time domain, it reads:
•= mass density
•= displacement field
•= identity tensor
•= deformation gradient
•= stress tensor
•= body force
The time-harmonic formulation solved in the frequency domain is:
•= angular frequency
•= phase of the body force
The Thermoviscous Acoustics Equations
In a full thermoviscous acoustics model, the equations solved are the first- and second-order perturbation formulations of the Navier–Stokes equations in quiescent background conditions, including the continuity, momentum, and energy equations. In the time domain, they read:
, and
, and
= respective acoustic variations of pressure, velocity, temperature, and density
, and
= background pressure, temperature, and density, respectively
•= dynamic viscosity
•= bulk viscosity
•= (specific) heat capacity at constant pressure
•= (isobaric) coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion
•= thermal conductivity
•= isothermal compressibility
= a volume force and a heat source, respectively
The time-harmonic equations solved in the frequency domain are:
, and
whereis the angular frequency.
Multiphysics Coupling Equations for Electrovibroacoustics
The Lorentz Coupling
To implement a multiphysics coupling between the theMagnetic Fieldsinterface and theSolid Mechanicsinterface theLorentz Couplingfeature (available up to version 6.1) can be used or theMagnetomechanics Couplingfeature, withOnly use Lorentz forceenabled, can be used. It passes the Lorentz force from theMagnetic Fieldsinterface to theSolid Mechanicsinterface and passes the structural velocity, which leads to the induced electric field, from theSolid Mechanicsinterface to theMagnetic Fieldsinterface. The Lorentz force and the induced electric field are calculated using these equations:
•= electric conductivity
•= applied electric field
•= velocity of the moving coil
•= magnetic flux density
•= induced electric field
The total electric current density,, includes contributions from both the applied and induced electric fields and is used to calculate the Lorentz force,
The Acoustic-Structure Boundary Coupling
TheAcoustic-Structure Boundaryfeature is a multiphysics coupling used to connect aPressure Acousticsmodel to any structural component. The coupling includes the fluid load on the structure and the structural acceleration as experienced by the fluid. Mathematically, the condition on a fluid–solid interface reads:
•= surface normal
•= structural acceleration
•= load (force per unit area) experienced by the structure
TheAcoustic-Structure Boundarycoupling can also be used to couple aPressure Acousticsmodel with aShellmodel. When the shells are interior structures with fluid on both sides, a slit is added to the pressure variable and care is taken to couple the up and down sides
such that the acoustic load is given by the pressure drop across the thin structure. Theand
subscripts refer to the two sides of the interior boundary.
The Acoustic-Thermoviscous Acoustic Boundary
TheAcoustic-Thermoviscous Acoustic Boundaryfeature couples aThermoviscous Acousticsinterface with aPressure Acousticsinterface.
The coupling prescribes continuity in the total normal stress (dynamic condition) and total normal acceleration (kinematic condition) for the mechanical part. An adiabatic condition is prescribed for the total temperature to match the physical assumptions of the pressure acoustics formulation. In the time domain, the coupling reads
For clarity, the pressure variable is denotedfor thermoviscous acoustics and
for pressure acoustics. In the frequency domain, the first equation becomes
The Thermoviscous Acoustic-Structure Boundary
This feature is used to couple aThermoviscous Acousticsinterface with any structural component. The coupling prescribes continuity in the displacement field at the fluid–structure boundaries,
•= total fluid velocity (including a background component if applicable)
•= structure displacement
The first equation is in the time domain, and the second equation is in the frequency domain. This coupling results in the stress also being continuous across the boundary. The condition for the total temperature, , can be set to either isothermal or adiabatic.