Resolvent Denmark PS

an image of the resolvent logo

Address & Contact Information

Resolvent Denmark PS

Måløv Byvej 229, E6
2760 Måløv
Phone: +45 6166 9903

Resolvent is a Danish engineering consulting company working internationally. We help our clients implement and execute engineering strategies within design, simulation, and digitalization.

Our goal is to accelerate product and process development and optimization as well as support troubleshooting. We do so by direct product and process optimization through simulation but also by building tools and apps for your organization to use in their daily work — thereby improving engineering efficiency.

A graphic representing Resolvent's take on engineering efficiency, product optimization, and process optimization.

Our work is conducted either in projects or as a resource add-on for R&D, production, and other relevant departments.

Today, Resolvent is working mainly within the areas of green tech (power-to-X, carbon capture, batteries, etc.), pharma and medtech, large-scale industrial processing, and advanced and coupled mechanical products.

Physics and Related Competencies

We specialize in simulation and coupling of the following physics:

  • Chemistry
  • Electrochemistry
  • Flow
  • Heat transfer
  • Structural mechanics
  • Acoustics (including acoustofluidics)

A range of other competencies are applied in combination with multiphysics simulation to maximize the output value and the efficiency of the work in and after the project:

  • Reduced order models, AI, and machine learning for large systems, for example
  • Design-of-experiment and advanced statistical modeling
  • Robustness and optimization frameworks for product and process design
  • User-friendly tools and apps to democratize simulation use in your organization
  • Computing strategies and solutions (workstation, clusters, and cloud hosting)

Examples of Our Products and Services

Using simulation, we aim to provide you with the fastest solutions possible, taking pride in delivering results within weeks. Our philosophy is to start simple and then increase complexity only as required. Below are a few examples from several industries that show varying complexity.

Example 1: Green Energy Applications for Widespread Organizational Use

Within electrochemistry, Resolvent has extensive experience and offers state of the art modular multiphysics models offuel cells,electrolysis cells, and batteries. These models can be fitted to your design to analyze cells, stacks, modules, and even complete systems. Design and operating conditionscan be optimized to enhance lifetime, robustness, efficiency, and more. In several cases, the models have been converted to simulation applications accessible for individuals and departments with little or no simulation experience, reaping clear workflow benefits for the organization. At the COMSOL Conference 2024 Florence,we presented one such battery appthat we developed with the Application Builder (shown below).

A custom-made app for battery development, showing the geometry setup The user interface for Resolvent's battery app, open to a variety of different chemistry parameters. The user interface of a Resolvent app, open to its parameters for weld types, weld geometry inputs, and busbar characteristics.

A custom-made app for battery development, showing the geometry setup (left), streamlines of the cooling fluid flow field (middle) and the current density in the busbar/battery tab (right).

Example 2: Pressurized Equipment Design Using Nonlinear FEA

There is a significant benefit to using finite element analysis (FEA) to analyze dimensions in pressure vessel equipment to reduce material consumption and/or design equipment that is not covered by standard design-by-formula approaches. The project discussed below demonstrates the benefit of increasing the complexity of the analysis by utilizing nonlinear FEA. Specifically, this is illustrated by creating a loading that will cause the equipment to be unsafe according to ASME’s linear FEA criteria, but safe according to the nonlinear FEA criteria.

In our project onoptimizing heat exchanger design through nonlinear FEA, we used a standard heat exchanger design (shown below). This heat exchanger is comprised of a shell, tubes, two tube sheets, four baffles, and two nozzles. In this case, we investigated the outlet nozzle of the shell-side fluid.

A model of a standard heat exchanger. Von Mises stress in the heat exchanger's outlet nozzle.

A model of a heat exchanger (left) and its outlet nozzle (right).

Example 3: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Scale-Up

In chemical and pharmaceutical production, mixing processes can play a crucial role in achieving the required yield and final product specifications, particularly in the upstream processing phases. The production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), the biopharmaceutical product, generally begins with the culture of living organisms, mammalian cells, or microbial organisms. This phase is referred to as the upstream process, in which the cell culture often starts in small batches and is grown to large volumes, up to thousands of liters, to obtain several kilograms of the desired API.

As a result, mixing processes in production span over a wide variety of conditions and systems, from laboratory to mass production industrial size. In our work onoptimizing mixing processes for pharmaceutical production, we show how a mixing process can be optimized through the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques, resulting in a wide spectrum of benefits.

Two side-by-side figures, with the left showing a model of a tank and magnet system and the right showing the velocity profile of that system generated by the rotation of the magnet.

A model of a tank and magnet system (left) and the velocity profile of that system (right)

Example 4: Microscale Acoustofluidics for Handling, Sorting, and Manipulation of Cells or Particles

Acoustics in fluids can produce many interesting phenomena due to the nonlinear Navier–Stokes equation. This field of study is called acoustofluidics. The manipulation of cells and particles with acoustofluidics has been of great interest for medical and diagnostic applications in the past few years. The method is a gentle and label-free method of manipulation that can quickly sort and handle cells based on characteristics of the cells.

In our studies on microscale acoustics for handling, sorting, and manipulation of cells or particles, we deal with several of the phenomena in acoustofluidics and how they can be predicted in the COMSOL Multiphysics®software. Learn more about this workhere.

A schematic of a glass device for sorting, rinsing, and concentrating cells, depicting the fluidics in the system.

An illustration depicting fluid flow in a glass device for sorting, rinsing, and concentrating cells.
