

Getting Started with Building Simulation Apps

Embedding Documentation in Your Simulation App

When developing a simulation app, it is optimal to provide users with any additional information they may need to support the use of your app. This could, for example, be additional context and background information about the app and underlying model, contact information for queries about details not addressed in the embedded documentation, or other references. It should also be noted that while it is good to have instructions available for those who want it, we recommend developing your simulation app with the goal of making it as intuitive as possible, that is, developing it so that the purpose of the app and how to use it are readily recognizable, with minimal need for instructions.

Using the Application Builder in COMSOL Multiphysics®, you can embed any of the aforementioned documentation in your simulation app, which can then be accessed by users at any time. Here, you will learn how to make documentation readily accessible in your apps.

Tutorial: Adding a Documentation Button

The example shown here is of thesimplified thermal microactuatortutorial model, which a simulation app was developed forpreviously. Here, the app is extended to enable users to access documentation about the model, which is contained in a PDF file. This is accomplished by adding the file for the documentation to the file libraries for the app and then creating a button in the app's user interface that triggers the embedded file to open when a user interacts with the button. The topics covered in the tutorial video include the following:

  • Adding documentation to the app
    • Using theLibrariesbranch
    • Adding a file to the library through theFilesnode
  • Enabling access to documentation through the app
    • Using theMain Window Editor
    • Adding a newItemand updating the settings
    • Creating a command sequence to add an action for a button
  • Testing the app
  • Using theConvert to Methodfeature
    • Reviewing contents of a method
    • How a corresponding command sequence would be written as code

Further Learning

For more information on theLibrariesnode and its contents, theFileslibrary, and embedding files of any type in your application, see the "Libraries" chapter in theIntroduction to the Application Builderdocumentation. In addition, you can also see the appendix on the "File Handling and File Scheme Syntax" page for more information about file schemes.

