

Performing Optimization in COMSOL Multiphysics

Using the Curve Fitting and Parameter Estimation Study Steps

In Part 7 of this course onoptimization, we start with the topic of weighted objective functions, using the microchannel dispersion tutorial model from theprevious part. We then review the settings for theacoustic demultiplexer model, which is a shape optimization example using a minimax objective.

Next, we demonstrate how to extract material parameters from experimental data using parameter estimation, and then demonstrate using theGeneral Parameter Estimation app. Following this, you will see how to perform parameter estimation using a modified version of theelbow bracket tutorial model. We show how to approach solving the model, first using theCurve Fittingstudy step and then theParameter Estimationstudy step. In doing so, we also show how to import external data into the software and how to take that data and plot it against your computed/simulated data and results in order to see how closely they match. We then discuss the use cases for theCurve Fittingstudy step andParameter Estimationstudy step and what types of problems each are best suited to solve.

Further Learning

In COMSOL Multiphysics, under the Application Libraries, there are several tutorial models we recommend for additional self-guided practice in performing parameter estimation. This includes:

