

Introduction to Modeling Resistive and Capacitive Devices

Introducing Feedback to Models of Resistive and Capacitive Devices

In Part 9 of our 10-part course, which provides an introduction to modeling resistive and capacitive devices, you will learn how to introduce feedback to these types of models. This involves taking results that we compute during the model and having them affect the model itself. The types of feedback we discuss and demonstrate implementing in your model include the following:

  • Explicit and implicit events
  • Voltage-limited terminals
  • Specifying dissipated power
  • Power terminal condition
  • Implementing a PI controller

We will show you how to incorporate these different types of feedback using various features in the software. We also discuss some tips for reducing the computational time and resources used when computing the model and ensuring consistent dimensions in input fields. Detailed explanations regarding how to formulate the model set up for each type of feedback are also provided. In addition, throughout the demonstrations in the lecture, the models are purposefully set up so that we encounter certain solver and model error and warning messages. This is done to intentionally provide the opportunity to discuss the logic you can employ for addressing such setbacks, and we then demonstrate how to resolve them.

