

Performing Optimization in COMSOL Multiphysics

Using the Topology Optimization Interface and Study Step

In Part 9 of this course onoptimization, we resume with the beam topology optimization example from the previous part to address various topics, such as theTopology Optimizationinterface and study step. This includes discussions on optimization variables, material parameters, the logic in how we choose to formulate the objective function for the beam example, how exactly the density is modified in theTopology Linknode under theMaterialsnode, and the scaling of the objective function. Next, we compute a few variations of this model to better understand some of theTopology Optimizationinterface nodes and their settings. Some highlights of this include:

  • Changing the control variable discretization element order toConstant
  • Setting theFilter typetoNoneto see the effect of filtering
  • Changing the mesh refinement
  • Resolving mesh sensitivity
  • Extracting the optimized design for validation

From there, we move on to a new example that performstopology optimization of a bracket. We show how a filter dataset can be used as the basis for a verification analysis in a new model component. We then provide an overview of relevant resources on the COMSOL website.

