Multiphysics Simulation: An IEEE Spectrum Insert 2015

Interested in learning how industry leaders from around the globe are designing their products and building simulation applications? The latest edition of Multiphysics Simulation offers a behind-the-scenes look at innovative simulation projects within companies such as WiTricity, where engineers are revolutionizing wireless power transfer, or how the R&D team at Cypress Semiconductor is utilizing simulation apps as a new line of communication between the modeling experts and the rest of the production team.

Click the button below to read the digital version.

Topic Areas:

  • Touchscreen Design
  • Simulation Applications
  • Wireless Charging
  • Microwave Medical Technology
  • Graphene and Plasmonics
  • Signal Integrity
  • Power Transistors
  • Biosensor Design
  • Piezoelectric Actuation
  • Product Design and HPC

Cover image courtesy of WiTricity.

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